
In my current coaching and training space I see new students who are eager and excited about learning straps. When I started my own training almost six years ago, finding information and resources online was very difficult. With no local coaches available and no option for traveling to circus school, I would have happily paid good money to find an online resource for beginner straps training. I’m now in a position to provide this service, which I hope will remove barriers and help expand the straps community.

Strapssensei is designed for beginner and intermediate students. The programming is focused primarily on progressions and mobility exercises, which I have found accelerates skill acquisition. Without these steps and resources there is a much higher risk of injury, reinforcing poor motor patterns and losing motivation. Straps is hard! Perhaps even most importantly, there is a huge emphasis on prehab in an attempt to “bulletproof” your body (especially the shoulders) from the demands of straps training.

As a PhD scientist I am obsessed with research and am continually looking for new and better ways of solving problems. Combined with my passion for straps I’m always updating site content with new exercises that I’m creating or learning from other resources. Gymnasticbodies, Kinstretch, Cirque Physio, and GMB are some of my favourites.

The idea of strapssensei is to make an ad-free resource that anyone can access independent of their financial situation. If you find this work valuable and appreciate it more than a cup a coffee per month, I would appreciate any donation to help keep it going.

